Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Forms of Creativity

Creativity comes in many forms! I believe that everyone is creative in their own way. Everyday I work on something, a watercolor, an accessory, a cake! The other day my daughter's French teacher asked the students to bring in some type of French food. This is what my daughter and I created in our kitchen. Luckily, there was a piece left! What a treat!


  1. Looks delicious!!! And yes, creativity can be expressed so many ways. Oh, is there a link to your Etsy shop? – g

  2. Hi Georgianna,
    Thank you for taking a look at my new blog! I must say I was surprised to see your post. Your blog is absolutely beautiful and I was going to e-mail you for a little advice! I do need to link my Etsy shop, here's the address in the mean time, . I believe I found you through Etsy. As I navigate my way through blogging and Etsy, I'd love to e-mail you for some input! Oh, the French Apple Tart was delicious! (Joy of Baking recipe)-Lynn
