Friday, June 3, 2011


Well, I finally gave in. Peanut butter cookies have been on my mind lately. My excuse is, I woke up not feeling well. Maybe a 24 hour virus, my throat hurts, my head hurts-I need a peanut butter cookie.
My favorite, I only make these once every few years! If I make them-I eat them!

After a quick stop at the grocery store, then to the market for fruit and veggies-I couldn't resist whipping these up.

My old faithful cookbook. My mom used this one and so do I. My other favorite is the Joy of Cooking.

From the oven.

To the plate and beyond.

It's Friday, so I know my teens will be bringing a few friends home after school. I've had my share of these yummy goodies this afternoon, the rest are for the kids! Although, I've been known to hide a few goodies in my closet! Hey, mom has to have a treat every once in a while.  And, I was going to garden and paint today! Think I'll go take a rest now.
Enjoy your day!


  1. They look so delicious. I would hide a few too ;-)
    Have a wonderful weekend!

  2. this is my third time trying to comment.. blogspot doesn't like me today.

    i love pb cookies....wish i got them more often! but nobody makes them for me. :(

  3. Oh, these look yummy! They remind me of my childhood and Mom baking.


  4. Never had these, but they look so yummy!
    I'm a bit under the weather too, so I may ask my Mom to bake some for me... as I cannot do anything because of the surgery! But you know, I enjoy being pampered ;))
    Hope you're feeling better.
