Thursday, July 21, 2011

My Tiny Vegetable Garden

Take a peek at my tiny garden and it's progress so far!
Wee Basil Plants In Spring

 Ready For Picking

My Tiny Tomato Garden

Oooops! I Believe I've Over Planted In This Small Space!

Tiny Tomatoes

Cannot Wait For These To Ripen!

Cilantro For Fresh Salsa!


It's Going To Be 99 Degrees Today! Just Watered The Garden-This Tiny Butterfly Is Looking For A Cool Drink.
Stay cool everyone and have a great weekend! Today I am linking to Fishtail Cottage for Flora Thursday.  Enjoy!



  1. Just went out and watered my impatiens - they were pretty wilted in this heat. Love your vegetable garden!


  2. Cute little garden! I always over plant, my place looks like a jungle. In regards to critters my mom always said plant enough for you and them so I guess that is why I do! Enjoy your tomatoes when they ripen, Happy Gardening ~ Jacque

  3. I like your cute little garden! I always overplant everything. Messy, but it tends to work out. If it really bothers you that you "overplanted", check out the book Square Foot Gardening. The author does a nice job telling you exactly how much-or little-space a plant needs. =)

  4. oh the tiny tomatoes are so cute!

  5. Your garden is lovely, Lynn, I am growing tomatoes, too, isn't it such a delight to watch them grow and then finally ripen? How nice that you are growing cilantro and basil, so perfect for your making salsa and other delectable treats. Have a great weekend.
    Hugs, Cindy

  6. Lynn,
    Your garden is a perfect size. Tomatoes look wonderful. It is beastly hot today. Too hot for anything!


  7. What a wonderful garden, tiny or not. It will bring you great pleasure this summer. I am new to your blog so I spent some time browsing through your earlier entries. I am so glad I did that. You've created a lovely spot for your readers and I really enjoyed the time I spent here. I'll be back. I hope you have a wonderful weekend. Blessings...Mary

  8. Ha! Your tiny veggie garden is larger than most! Thanks for sharing over here at Cottage Flora Thursdays this week! You will be so happy (& proud) when you bring in your tomatoes! xoxo, tracie

  9. So wonderful to pick one's own fresh produce from the yard. I feel so pioneer like when I pick tomatoes and carry them in in my apron in the evenings.

  10. Your garden looks wonderful. My tomatoes are coming along -very slowly... Patience, I tell myself!

  11. Hello Poppi, it's nice to meet you. Thank you for visiting and commenting at ShabbyTeaParty. All of your garden plants look beautiful, I love fresh basil. I'm going to add your Cous Cous Salad recipe to my recipe box! Hugs,
