Friday, July 29, 2011

Pink Dilemma

Sometimes I just can't make a decision. The little things throw me for a loop. If we have a big issue to deal with-no problem! I know just what to do. But ask me to choose a paint color...hmmm, I analyze each paint chip,"What will this color say about me?, Is it too wild? Too boring? Will I love it next week? Will I hate it? Will it be just-ok?" Does anyone else have this problem? Help! Here's the dilemma, I need to reorganize and decorate my creative space. I want this room to be a place that makes me feel creative! And, I'd like it to be pretty. I kinda like PINK. Your probably thinking, "Ok, so paint it PINK!" The thing is, I've never been a Pink girl. I was the little girl riding her horse after dinner, then cleaning the stall,  playing baseball with the boys or building a fort in the woods. I never wore PINK. As you can see in my tiny profile photo, I'm wearing black and white-typical. So PINK is making me nervous! But as you can see, I do like PINK.
When making accessories, I choose a lot of PINK.

These storage boxes caught my eye.

So did this PINK and brown fabric-maybe a valance?

While I sit here deciding, my room is a mess!

OR, I could paint with a neutral color and decorate with a little PINK.

Then there's my other favorite color-TURQUOISE!

So what do you think? Maybe I should do a neutral so I can change the colors periodically. Hmmmm, now, what NEUTRAL should I choose? Last night I thought a light grey might be nice, white trim, but then again...

All opinions welcome!

Oh, my 16 year old daughter wants me to re-do her room now, before school starts. She's just like me...

I'm linking to:
French CountryCottage-Feathered Nest Friday
My Romantic Home-Show and Tell
At The Picket Fence for Inspiration Friday
 How Sweet The Sound for Pink Saturday.


  1. All beautiful things! I love color - especially pink. You could paint it and call it cowgirl pink! Of course, the aqua is in too. One thing for sure, it will be fun figuring it out.
    Happy Pink Saturday!

  2. I have been thinking of adding turquois to one my rooms - as accent colors. A neutral would definitely accommodate both pink and turquois, but daringly - Pink would be a very soothing and inspiring color - can you get small samples to 'live' with a few options? Looking forward to seeing what you do!
    Happy Pink Saturday,

  3. I am inclined to be the same way. In my case, if something is complicated, I can understand the directions, but simple ones, throw me.

  4. Lovely post! This is just my type. Looking forward to seeing what you do!
    Hope to see you on my blog:)

  5. I LOVE the color pink!! In fact, we are going to do a 'Pink Post' soon. I just decorated a guest bedroon, and the walls are white, but I have a splash of pink and brown in there. It looks good. I've actually seen the color pink matched with torquoise too. Hope it turns out good. It's a creative space, so I would have fun with it.
    ~Sheri at Red Rose Alley

  6. I think a pink room might be a tad overwhelming, I like the pale grey with white trim idea though, and you could always add your pink accessories to add a splash of colour.
    Thanks for stopping by NL earlier,

  7. I would choose a light grey!

    This colour fits to almost every other colour!

    xo Franka

  8. I so love Benj Moore Antique White (not truly a white) to use because you can use any color schemes against it, change out when you desire. Love your color choices.

    Have a beautiful PS weekend ~
    TTFN ~

  9. Many cream paint colors have a pink undertone without screaming "pink". This could be a base to start with and then add pink and turquoise in your accessories. You are the one living in the room so go with what you love!

  10. your color sense is right on! Happy PS!

  11. My kids say I always choose bandaid colors so I say no neutral go for color. I am trying to pick the right blue for my kitchen right now.

  12. How fun! I'm in the process of re=doing my master bedroom too, so I know just how you feel! So here's my 2 cents': I would do creamish walls and use your pinks AND your turquoise for accent! Very "Miami Vice" almost... but more retro/vintage. I know whatever you end up with will be beautiful! Have fun!

  13. I love pink. I don't think you can go wrong. If I'm not mistaken, either decor8 or design*sponge had some broad color palettes featuring pink options within the last 2 weeks. You can go neutral on the brownish side or the greyish side. Really can't go wrong. Little paint testing pots are the way to go!! Hope you had a wonderful weekend :) Diane @ home sweet homemade

  14. A pretty very very light hue of turquoise would be gorgeous on the walls....nothing that screams at you. Then bring in your pinks and creams. I have seafoam/aqua in my bedroom (for 10 years) and never tire of it. And I just added turquoise to my screened porch which I am in the process of writing about post right now. It's a great color right now and it seems like a lot of vintage things I have been buying lately are turquoise or aqua. But in the end, do what makes you happy and calm. HPS

  15. I love Sherry's idea for a "creamy-pink" just a blush, so you're not overwhelmed or overcommitted. Let us know what you decide, would love to see photos of the space! xo Debra

  16. I grew up with tons of pink! We had hot pink bedroom with giant green and pink flowers in the 70's! I love the soft antique kind of pinks. I think though that you could achieve a happy feeling in the room with a great creamy white and let your accents to the coloring. A light gray isn't a bad choice either, but I'm imagining a fresh light filled room for crafting. Use the colors from the decorative box as your stepping off point! You can add the aquas here and there and even some browns...Put some window dressings on that give it that wow too- Maybe even a pin ticking stripe in the pink!
    Thx for stopping by my garden blog today! Liz

  17. ooh how exciting i love decorating and re decorating, having a tradesman painter and wallpaperer for a husband lets me go wild without having to leave it if I hate it. So I would use all three colours, the pink softly either on one or all the walls, with a soft not to dark brown either as a feature on maybe one wall or the cornice or skirtings, and the beautiful turquoise as accents, either accessories or a feature, now it sounds overdone reading that but if the colours are softly muted it will be wonderful. I am so bored with soft creams and neutral pallettes go for the colour. Have fun what ever you choose.

  18. Hi,
    Thanks for sharing the refreshing recipe with us. Sounds really good right now! You have a lovely blog. Have a wonderful day! xoxo Kim
