Wednesday, August 17, 2011

August Garden

After the rain.

After an extremely hot and dry July, August has finally brought us some much needed rain. I hope your gardens are getting the rain they need too!

Thanks for stopping by and have a great week!

I'm linking to:
An Oregon Cottage for Best of 2011 Tuesday Garden Party


  1. Thanks girlfriend! Your garden is gorgeous. If only we would get rain here. Unheard of this time of year. Our front lawn is getting sort of crunchy. Need to run the sprinkler a little extra. Your photos are perfect. Share what camera you have. I am hoping it is heaps better than mine because my photos never look like yours. They are like I am really there!! Great job.

  2. How I love your photo's. The flowers are beautiful and your pictures are sharp and clear. very nice. I found you at Tracie's and now following you. I must see more! Enjoy your evening.

  3. Thank you Lynne for your lovely comment on my blog today! I really appreciate you taking the time to stop by and say that! I am so use to the hoards of people hitting my other blog that I forgot how much work it takes to get another blog up and running! Your photos are gorgeous and I am going to add you to my blog roll on both my blogs. So you may see my comments either as "As I Dream it" or as "Average Girl"... both will be me!

    Cheers for now

  4. Everything looks so fresh and vibrant after a rain! I love the rose that's still in bud.

    Thanks for stopping by and enjoying my painting process.

  5. Your garden looks lovely after the rain. We need rain here. I especially love the rose bud.

  6. Your garden has it all: veggies, flowers, even a bird house. Beautiful!
    Can we have some rain please? We're melting here!

  7. Doesn't the world smell wonderful after a rain? Our best to "Buddy".

  8. Everything looks refreshed in your gardens. Great photos!

  9. Your garden looks so fresh and green, unlike mine which is suffering from lack of rain.

  10. Your photos are so gorgeous! They're a joy to see!!!

  11. Lovely photos from your garden, everything looks wonderful.

  12. Hi Poppi Linn,
    I love your pretty garden! Your tiny tomatoes remind me that I want to plant some of those next year. So nice that you were able to have some rain. We have not had any significant rain this summer at all. But, we haven't really needed it. We have had far more than normal for the last two summers, so this summer has been perfect here in Manitoba, Canada where I live. I have had to be careful about watering my garden areas, though.
    Hugs, Cindy

  13. Hi Lynn! Your garden photos are wonderful! We're getting a little August rain too. It's been the loveliest month of summer. I'm following too.

  14. Your garden and photography are stunning! You are so talented!

  15. Your photos are those tomatoes! I think growers here in the NW are just starting to get some ripe tomatoes!

    Tks for stopping by and leaving such nice comments.

  16. Whenever i see a photo of a rose getting ready to open ~ the word that comes to mind is "hope"! Thanks for sharing at Cottage Flora Thursday's! xoox, tracie

  17. Like your blog. BES is one of my favorite flowers too.
    Ohio Outdoors

  18. Hi Lynn! I like how you single out small things and show them off! Also, thank you SO much for your comment on MySecretGarden blog!

  19. Hi Lynn,

    Love the shot of the rose bud, great promising colour!
    Everything looks so fresh after the rain, beautiful and green.
    Have a great weekend!
    All the Best,

  20. I love how everything looks after a rain. Your little red lantern is so sweet. All of your pics are beautiful!

  21. Rain makes for great photos, doesn't it?! Your gloriosa daisies are such a wonderful color.
