Friday, August 5, 2011

Pink Treasure

Look what I found in my stack of paintings that were hiding in a closet-my first watercolor!

 I didn't discover watercolors until high school. For a few weeks in art class we were introduced to watercolor painting. Right away I was taken. I loved the way the paint flowed onto the paper. To me it was magical, a whole new way of painting. I had a relative who was a painter, and as a little girl I'd stare straight into his paintings of  European streets to study the intricate details. Later I realized that they were watercolors.

I think I'll frame this and put it up in my art room. Kind of like when someone earns their first dollar and puts it in a little frame.

It's fun to look back and see where things started. I studied art in college, but changed to the advertising program. I was afraid I'd be a starving artist! Well, even starting off in advertising, I was starving in Los Angeles! My career took a turn and I ended up as a production manager for many years and my art was put on the back burner. I didn't pick up a paint brush until after my children were born, when they were old enough we started drawing and painting together.

Hope you enjoyed my little trip down Memory Lane. Have a wonderful weekend!

Today I'm linking to:
How Sweet The Sound for Pink Saturday
Home Savvy Blog Party
Debbiedoo's Newbie Party


  1. Lynn, that was a first watercolour? You clearly have an eye and artistic talent. In my mind, I'm an artist; in reality, I haven't picked up a brush -other than the one to paint a wall. But, one day...
    Thanks for visiting my blog. -Karen

  2. Your painting is beautiful! I love watercolor, how fun to frame it for your art room:@)

  3. wow if this is your first effort that's amazing you are great i love this painting the colours i love it

  4. Loved your trip down memory lane and I am glad you are painting again, as that is an amazing first!
    And do frame is beautiful and bring you wonderful memories!

  5. Lynn, Your first watercolor is amazing. I hope you do frame it and hang it in your art room. I used to paint in oils but can't stand the smell of the turpentine. So I have been trying watercolor but your first one looks much better than anything I've done yet.
    Happy painting!

  6. Happy Pink Saturday Sweetie...
    What a gorgeous watercolor. Most definitely frame and hang this photo. Memories, aren't they the best?

    You are a very talented artist sweet friend. I can't wait to see what you paint next? Have a glorious weekend. Country hugs from Phoenix, Sherry

  7. Wow - I think you are a natural at this! When I tried watercolor it didn't go so well. I think that I am watercolor challenged!
    Enjoyed your blog!
    Happy Pink Saturday!

  8. You started out extremely talented right from the get go. I'm glad you've decided to hang your first water color - good for you!

  9. Lynn, your painting is gorgeous! Don't you just love it when you run across something like that? I have never tried watercolors, but I'm sure I would love it. They look a bit like dogwood, very pretty! I love the pink color. Definately needs to be framed and hung!

  10. That is such a lovely painting for a very first watercolor! I'm glad you're framing it.

  11. I love this paint look beauty! gloria

  12. That is really lovely.

    You are very talented.

    Lovely blog too.

    I have enjoyed reading it.

    ~~ Fiona

  13. Nice to find a hidden treasure. Very pretty. Thanks for sharing with the newbie party. Have fun.

  14. What a treasure! It's beautiful....hang it on the wall!

  15. It's beautiful! You need to display it.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  16. Hi, Lynn!
    This is a wonderful painting! I love the colours! I think framing it is a great idea!

  17. I love watercolors and this is great, I used to buy Donna Bartons, remember her? Yours is just as pretty, hope you get back to it!

  18. wow if thats your first I can only imagine what you can do now~! Beautiful!

  19. Your work is beautiful and what a sentimental piece! Thank you so much for linking up!

  20. Lynn Thank you for dropping by my blog . So enjoyed reading yours. I must try the apple tart. Love your view of the garden .. and that water color gorgeous. Will be back.

  21. Oh my goodness Lynn, to think that you had this wonderful piece of art tucked away in a closet where no one could enjoy it. So glad it's out now. Thanks for sharing. Have a wonderful day.

    Hugs and Kisses,

  22. Hi Lynn, yep that's our view, I did a post a couple of weeks ago when we were over at our farmhouse, we live on a lake with stunning views and the lake turns a beautiful light green every year...quite unusual..thanks for stopping by

  23. Your watercolor is beautiful! You are an artist in so many ways...I saw that apple tart in the previous post.

  24. I absolutely love you watercolor - it's beautiful. I like your interpretation and can't believe it was a "first" painting. Wow. Lovely display . . . I should'a known it was Pink Saturday! :) Beautifully posted. Okay, I need to work harder on my stuff! (aka "inspiring"). :) Thanks, Jenn
