Sunday, January 1, 2012

Inspiration For The New Year

Nature has always inspired me. 
As a child I played in the woods behind the house, 
exploring and wandering.
I feel most alive when I'm hiking on a new trail,
wondering what waits ahead, a babbling brook, a mountain vista?

I've been thinking about the new year and what I'd like to accomplish.
This is what I'm thinking,
I will work on something each day-a piece of jewelry, a painting, 
a few written pages. As long as I complete something each day, 
I'll keep moving forward. I don't know where this will take me, but it has to lead to something.
As my profile says-my kids are almost in college and it's time to do something new.
What that is I don't know yet.

So I figure it's time to explore.

Off the top of my head, there are a few things I plan to do this year:

-A workshop in January to finally learn how to use my camera manually.
-Take a different class at the gym, try something new!
-Do the Hunter Mountain zip line this spring.
-Take some classes. Still deciding...
-Plan more hikes and activities with friends.

Keep moving forward, it has to lead somewhere!


  1. When we keep moving forward it is sure to lead us somewhere, some big and delightful surprises sometimes!
    All the best to you in 2012, and a very Happy New Year to you.
    Hugs, Cindy

  2. I have no doubt Lynn that you will do something creative and find your way.
    That's kind of my goal this year too. Either creating or organizing something each day.
    Have a Happy Creative 2011.

  3. Have a wonderful, creative NEW YEAR!

    ♥ Franka

  4. It's so nice to meet you! Best wishes to you in the New Year! Twyla

  5. Hi Lynn,

    A Happy new year to you and your family too! I hope you had a lovely time?!

    You have so many good & fun goals for the new year. I hope you will find what you are looking for on your path!

    Happy new week & lieve groet, Madelief x

  6. I look forward to reading about your various creative pursuits, Lynn. I haven't made a New Year list for myself, just yet. I'm a bit slow this time around, I guess. Good luck with your plans.

  7. That sounds like some wonderful goals! Happy and healthy 2012 to you!

  8. Love your photos. I too, have a new camera and want to learn more about using it properly. You have lots of goals. I am your newest follower. i hope you can stop in and visit. Happy New Year! Linda

  9. You have lots of wonderful ideas here. It will be interesting to look back at the end of the year and see where you have come to.

  10. Are you taking the workshop online? I so need to learn more about my camera too. Wishing you many new ventures in 2012. Keep us posted.

  11. I love this post! You will find something that you absolutely love!

    After I retired from almost 40 years of science teaching, I came to the same point. I found that painting became my new passion and goal to improve each day.

    Have a fabulous and enriching year!

  12. I am in the same place. My youngest starts college in a few days and the future is open to me - to explore, to take classes to start something new!
    I wish you all the best in the New Year!

  13. It's nice to discover your blog from Katherines Corner. Lovely post and photos!

  14. Beautiful pictures!!!

    Wonderful goals for the coming year.


  15. I feel most alive in nature, also. Good luck on your new year's goals!
    Hugs, Cindy

  16. These photos are amazing
    I could hardly read anything because I just looooooooove the photos - very colorful and very meaningful
    The photos actually tell your story.... :)
