Wednesday, April 18, 2012

At The Farm

My daughter and I decided to take a trip to a local farm this weekend.
We use to visit this farm when the kids were little.
They had open barn, so we thought we'd go and take a few photos.
My daughter likes to take photos as much as I do. 
It's a nice activity we can do together.

I remember when the kids came here and fed the animals little springs of hay.
They were so happy when a cow would nibble from their hand! Awww!

Checking out the camera!

There were still some daffodils blooming on the grounds.

Some buds ready to blossom.

This friendly goose thought we had a little snack. Sorry!
We just want a few photos!
Now to find a block of time to sit and do a little drawing.
Maybe tomorrow. 
Things have been a bit crazy around here the last few weeks!
All good, but crazy. That's life!

Hope you're having a good week!


  1. Hi Lynn. Great photos. I love the one of the sheep, the buds with the blurred background, and the reflection of the Canada Goose.
    I hope you will find time for drawing from these great shots.
    Enjoy the week.

  2. Those look like a couple of my chickens though mine are small still. You took some great shots. Are you going to draw from your photographs?

  3. Hi Lynn,

    When my children were younger we used too go to 'open barns' as well. It is so much fun for the children. Especially for city girls like ours :-)

    You made some lovely photographs!

    Happy day,

    Madelief x

  4. I love all and the pictures but really love these sheeps! arent sweet? are so nice, here we have un the south of Chile (Punta Arenas) I think in the lovely wool ha!

  5. I love spending time with my daughters. How fun for you two.

  6. Hey Lynn, How have you been?
    I'm always impressed with your incredible photography. Your drawings must be stunning!!!
    Hugs Rosemary...x

  7. So lovely your pics!

    Children grow up so quickly.

    ♥ Franka

  8. Beautiful photos! That barn looks really neat!


  9. Hi Lynn,
    That beautiful sheep would make a fabulous model for one of your pretty drawings.
    Your photos from the farm are all beautiful, you have a knack for knowing what is art.
    Have a beautiful day.

  10. Love these images of farm animals. My children used to enjoy farm visits.

  11. Wonderful photos! I love the sheep and chickens. What a great way to spend some time.

  12. Hi Lynn, I still love visiting farms. Always wished I had grown up on one. My older brother and sisters kind of did. No barn, but a few animals. I was the youngest of 8. My father died when I was 9 months old so things changed drastically for my mom. I would love for you to share this with my linky party if you have time.

  13. Hi Lynn,

    Super great pictures of the farm. My whole family loves to go.

    The spring flowers are so pretty :)


  14. What a wonderful big sheep. Great pictures. Those are such pretty chickens.
    Have a good week end.

  15. Hi, Lynn
    That's a great way to spend time with your daughter. I really like your farm shots and am particularly drawn to the one of the sheep. I hope your drawing is going well.

  16. Beautiful pictures...I love visiting farms and of course seeing all the animals. AND let's not forget all the beauty of "SPRING"...Tonight it's RAINING and I'm Happy Dancing because "We REALLY NEED it"...I'm in Northwest Connecticut so You are probably getting the rains too...
    Have a wonderful week,
