Saturday, October 13, 2012

A Dog's Life

"Must be nice to be Bud E.!"
I often say this as he basks in the sun on the deck
or lays in the grass, chewing a bone
snuggles up in "his" living room chair
hunts around the wooded hill of the back yard where he has free reign.

Bud E. is our 8 year old lab.
He's a good guy.

He likes to keep me company.
He follows me throughout the house,
upstairs, downstairs, into my art room or into the kitchen-hoping for a little treat.
He especially loves to watch me grill-just in case there's something extra.
Sometimes I feel bad when I'm running from room,
he follows me until I finally stop and then he lays down near me for a nap.

When everyone's home he wants to be in the middle of everything!
Of course, he's one of the family!

Hope you're having a wonderful weekend!


  1. Your sidekick is!lovely and he clearly likes you! I'm glad he doesn't nibble on your jewelry supplies.

  2. Oh Bud E. is a handsome boy! He clearly is loved and adored as well he should be! I, too, have a dog that follows me everywhere and I always think she must be exhausted!

    Thanks so much for joining in this week!


  3. As much as my current dogs might not to hear this: I LOVE LABS. I grew up with one, my sister had one, and we had one-- just lost him this January. They are the best! Thanks so much for posting your guy!

  4. Hi Poppi! It's been quite ahwile since I've visited. I love Bud E. What a befitting name because he's simply adorable and he's clearly your buddy. I have 2 dogs and my little girl follows me everywhere. I'm behind on my reading so I'm going to stop writing and catch-up with your blog.


  5. He is so precious! We have a Buddy, a 15 year old Silky Terrier. He does the same thing...follows me everywhere and always under my feet, but we love him. Thanks for sharing Bud E. with us.

  6. Wow we do too,our little terrier's name is Buddy...your Bud.E is adorable.

  7. Awww! He is a handsome furbaby.
    I am pet free due to allergies, and miss having a kitty or two around.

  8. Bud E pulled at my heartstrings. He's beautiful!

  9. He's a doll and obviously so happy. He sounds exactly like my Bentley who is just a smaller little guy. I am your newest follower. Stop by for a visit and meet Bentley.

    Susan and Bentley


  10. My dog is a member of the family as well. She is seven years old mix!

    Your Bud is a wonderful dog.
    ♥ Franka

  11. What a beautiful dog. One of the family?? Of course he is...and a very important member.He is the one who brings so much joy.

  12. Hi Lynn It's nice you have Bud E for company when the rest of the family is gone.

  13. Love your Bud E . What a wonderful companion.

  14. Dogs are also woman's best friend, eh? Your Bud E. is beautiful.
    Hope you're having a good week, Cindy
