Saturday, October 6, 2012

Good Morning!

Just a quick post to say "Hello!"
Hope you're having a good weekend.
Any fun plans?
So far the weather is nice, perfect for taking some Fall photos.
The Hudson Valley is so beautiful this time of year-
some of the leaves have just started to turn.

Hmmm, for some reason my computer won't let me load any photos-
hopefully, when I call Apple they'll have an easy solution.
I think my favorite posts are of the changing seasons-
so I hope to fix this computer quickly and start posting.

Oh, I've also been working on some new jewelry.
I'll have to show you that too-when all is fixed.

Enjoy your long weekend!
See you soon.


  1. Hi Lynn,

    Pretty picture of autumn. It's so nice to sleep with the windows open. I love seeing all the leaves changing colors. My kids want to go apple picking. We will have to wait till there is no rain in the forcast.

    I hope there is an easy fix for your picture posting.


  2. Love your fall photo. Our fall color is all done here now with most of the leaves on the ground.
    I hope you get your computer issues fixed soon so we can see all your beautiful fall photos and your jewelry.

  3. Love photos truly Autumn has arrived. Good luck on the easy fix for the computer.

  4. I am so jealous. I wish some of that color was around here. Our trees don't turn until end of Nov. at the earliest and many don't loose their leaves.

  5. Hope you get your computer fixed quick! It is that time of year, all the fun of fall!! I'm sure when you get your pictures up, they will be amazing!!
    Have fun!!

  6. Great picture, love, love fall and all it's amazing colors. Just wanted to stop by and say hello and to thank you for your sweet comment. Sending you a great big hug.

