Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Late Summer Garden

It has been a loooong time since I've done a blog post,
April 17th to be exact.
I hope everyone is well, 
I've missed reading your blogs.
Time to start catching up!

I thought I'd jump back in with a few photos from my garden.

Luckily some of the perennials have flourished this summer.
I didn't spend time in my garden this year
 and was happy that the rudbeckia took over-
and the purple cone flower.

 The marigolds this year were from seed
 and they look great!
I just love their deep contrasting colors.

Hope you enjoyed the flowers.
I look forward to catching up with everyone's blogs!


  1. I love all your perennial flowers! I experimented this year growing some that I hoped would be deer, rabbit and drought resistant. I'd say about half were a success so I'll pant more next year. :)

  2. Love the marigolds! I usually stick with just plain golden/yellow ones but may have to branch out next year!

    ~Chris (via Fishtail Cottage Party)

  3. I'd love it if rudbeckias took over my garden too.

  4. I have to pull rudbeckia out every year or they would take over my garden. I love the color right now so I can't get too angry :) Beautiful flowers!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. It's nice to see you back, Lynn. Your flowers look wonderful; rudbeckia and coneflowers are so beautiful and dependable!


  7. Good to see you blogging. Your flowers look great! Can't believe Fall is around the corner!
    <3 Cara

  8. Welcome back Poppi. So happy to see you at SYC! Your garden blooms are just lovely. Certainly looks like you have worked very hard at tending your garden.

  9. Your flowers are very pretty, I love the cone flowers and the rudbeckia.
    Enjoy the last few days of summer!

  10. Your garden is lovely. Thanks for visiting my blog! :)
