Friday, September 16, 2011


I admit it-
I am a procrastinator.
When I know something needs to be done, I mark the calendar right away.
I never miss a deadline, but for some reason I wait until the last minute to get going. Guess I work best under pressure. That's when I get creative! I think that's why I loved working in the advertising industry. 
Everything was always changing and needed yesterday!

Well, I have a display going up in the local Barnes and Nobles cafe on Oct. 1st.
Now, I've known about it since last Fall when I had my last display there.
Did I make a plan and create something new each week?
I can't create a little at a time. I need pressure to get those wheels turning!
I'll start pulling out paintings to see what I've done. If I don't like a painting, I'll use it in a mixed-media piece.
Now here it is, about 2 weeks until Oct. 1st!

See, it's not like I don't have anything!  

I do have pieces to work with.

This is the fun part, putting it all together!
Cutting, tearing, gluing, matting, framing.

The worst part is actually going into the cafe and hanging my work. 
I'm always embarrassed! I bring my good friend with me each time
to hurry along the process so I can get out of there.

Who else out there creates like this?

 Do you?

I'd love to hear about your creative process!

Now I'd better get to my creative space and get creating!
Have a great day!


  1. Oh what fun it must be. I love your beautiful artwork.
    Your so lucky to be able to work under pressure.

    I'm now following you in Google Reader.


  2. Lynn, you do have a lot to work with! I would love to be able to see your exhibit at the Barnes and Noble. You are inspiring me to get back to my painting. I have a framed one of Douglas Fir cones and a maple leaf that's not frame. I'm going to get it framed so I can use it in my fall decorating.
    Good luck with your exhibit.

  3. When I was working, it was constant "surprise" deadlines and immediate "needs" ~ perhaps that's why we work best under pressure.

    I'm sure your display will be great ~ wish I could see it. :-)


  4. look absolutely nice Poppi, I love this type of work!Good luck with all, the paintings are beauty! gloria

  5. honey...i am right there with you!! i do my BEST work under pressure. i have total confidence in you and your artistry! is october REALLY just 2 weeks away?? oh boy......

  6. I' will admit to being a procrastinator also! Hope you show us the finished display - I'm sure it will be wonderful!

  7. I am a procrastinator, too!

    Is this display going to be at the Barnes & Noble on Rte. 9? Let me know - I'll make sure to visit.


  8. Well, the one creative thing I've done is took a Photography class years ago. We had to mound the pictures on a white photo board, and I have collected all the black and whites that I developed. Someday I want to display them in my home. I think that is wonderful that you have a booth set up at Barnes and Noble. Good for you!!
    ~Sheri at Red Rose Alley

  9. How wonderful for you that your work is so viewed and appreciated. I am a procrastinator too.

  10. Beautiful art work. I also work better under pressure.

  11. It's funny...your mind it's like mine, it's great to know that i'm not alone! :))) I do almost the same things as you do, have the same passions and love to work under pressure! I think we put pressure under our work because our minds are full of ideas, and we want to do everything as if the world were to end tomorrow!! Creative Salutations Lynn!

  12. Thanks for visiting. Had to come peek at your blog. Wow, you are a real, live artisit. Your work is beautiful. You should be so proud to be shown off at Barnes & Noble. Kudos to you. I am heading to your etsy shop to look around =)

  13. That's really exciting to have your artwork featured at Barnes & Noble! I will have to look for that at the one in my area. I didn't know that local artists did that there. Wish I could paint like you. I wasn't blessed with that talent unfortunately. That's quite a gift.

  14. What beautiful artwork! I have bought local paintings done in water color and just can't take them down from my walls to 'change things up'.

    Thank you for visiting my blog - I am a new follower to yours and can't wait to see more of your it in the garden or on canvas.

  15. Wonderful you are going to show your work at Barnes and Noble! I work well under pressure too but I do a lot of beading with tiny beads so those projects require more time and planning. BTW love Niagara on the Lake beautiful place to visit. Thanks for visiting our blog, will be one of your newest followers. Laura Cottage and Broome

  16. Beautiful art work. I am not a procrastinator, however I am not a craft planner. I usually come up with something and have to do it right there and then. Thanks for sharing with my newbie party.

  17. Hello Poppi, your artwork is beautiful! You're inspiring me to get back to painting! I'm the exact same way as you - I procrastinate and work best under pressure. P.S. Thank you for visiting my blog!
