Thursday, September 15, 2011

Garden Textures

My Summer garden is fading. 
But, that doesn't mean we can't find something beautiful!

This beauty is a weed or a wildflower.

We added a barberry to our front garden.

And a boxwood.

I love the grasses swaying in the breeze.

A bit of color and texture.

A little ivy growing up the wall.

My favorite, a globe blue spruce.

Hope you enjoyed your stroll through my garden.
Have a wonderful day!

Today I am joining:


  1. Oh, you found some beauties, Lynn! I only have a few delphinium & asters left. Summer has been too, too short this year!
    Hope you have a lovely day,

  2. Nice pics! Looks like we're about to get some nice cool weather-enjoy:@)

  3. Oh how I love blue spruce too. It will not grow here but I just love its color and form.

  4. weeds or not (i love that white one, reminds me of snow), you have found their beauty!

  5. Your garden looks wonderful. Gardens are a thing of beauty all year round, unless they get totally covered with snow like ours did last winter. :0)

  6. I so enjoyed visiting your blog! Your photos are wonderful. And how coincidental that my brother and daughter arrive here soon only to take a flight tomorrow early for Niagara Falls! They will enjoy your photos when I show them to them!

  7. Hi.... wanted to thank you for visiting my site... enjoyed your post... I love the various blue spruces as well! Larry

  8. One gardener's weed is another's wildflower! Beautiful photos :)

  9. I'm a country girl so anything that involves flowers, field, animals, landscape enchants me, and your blog is full of beautiful photographs of all this I like! I loved your blog!!
