Sunday, January 15, 2012

Creative Planning

It's time to get my creative life organized! 
Time to plan what I'm doing, how I'm going about it and where
do I want to go with it?
Do you have a million ideas in your head? Do you start one, then another and another?
It's time to figure out what I want to concentrate on.
I know I haven't been posting much these days. 
Problem is I'm not always sure what to blog about.
 Some days my life is not that creative!

So, I'm taking a week to plan what I should be doing!
No computer, no distractions.

My very best friend from high school and I are getting together 
and going to try to figure out what each of us should be doing now!
This idea came about when we met in NYC for a few days recently. 
We hadn't seen each other in YEARS!!!
 We've always kept in touch, but life took us in different directions for a while.
 But when we got together it was like we were in high school again,
talking, laughing and planning. Who knew all these years later we'd be doing the same thing again!

So, my notebooks, sketch pad and camera are packed!
Hopefully this week will be filled with inspiration and new ideas
for our futures! And, a bit of much needed rest!

Wishing everyone a wonderful week!


  1. Have a fantastic time with your friend. I'm sure the joint brainstorming will lead to some great creative plans. Do share when you get back from your computer fast!

  2. It is always fun to get away with a friend. Take lots of photos to share.

  3. Hi Lynn,
    Oh yes, I go from one thing to another. Sometimes never finishing neither. Seems like the hurrier I go the behinder I get. Hope you have a wonderful weekend with your friend. I went shopping ith a friend that I have had since 6th grade. We too have so much fun together. Can't wait to see what you accomplished!

  4. Hi Lynn, I have a hundred ideas running around in my head for what I want to do. But I never seem to get at them.
    I hope the time with your friend will be a wonderful time for creative ideas. Have fun, rest, and come back with renewed energy!

  5. How fun to get together with a girlfriend and I hope it's everything that you hope it will be.
    Hugs, Cindy

  6. I think your blog is a gem, please stop here to pick up the award I gave to you:


  7. Have fun! Even if you don't come up with any wonderful ideas it will still be a great time together.

  8. Lynn,
    Yes, I often have lots of ideas in my head and start one thing...then go to another without finishing the first. I'm doing the same as you - trying to think about where I want to go with my blog and art...what I want to accomplish,etc. I already read your post after your got back from your trip - so I know you had a good time!! I agree with what you said about being in nature.
    Hugs, Cindy
