Monday, June 18, 2012

Where Does The Time Go?!

Hi Everyone!
Seems like life is flying by these days, this year is busier than usual.
My son is finishing up high school and graduating on Saturday!
Now I'm going to cry...
My daughter is a Jr. and has been finishing test, upon test along with papers,
SAT, ACT, college searches, tours, etc! You know how it goes.
Proms, school photos, school trips, sports,
there's always something going on.
I don't know what I've been doing-but I'm way behind with my blogging these days!

I have been working in my garden a bit.

My daughter gave me some bulbs a few years ago, for Mother's Day.
Each year a few leaves would spring up, but no flowers.
Finally, this year one bulb produced a flower!
Very pretty, does anyone know what it's called?

This is Bud E., he's my little friend. He follows me throughout the house, from room to room.
He loves to lay in the grass while I garden.
When he was a puppy, he'd watch me garden, then proceed to dig up what I had planted.
Guess he thought he was helping.

So, hopefully I can get back to blogging a bit more!
I miss reading everyone's posts, 
although I do pop in here and there to try to keep up with what's going on. 

Graduation, vacation, trips to college towns, I should have something to blog about.
Oh yeah, I'm taking a few classes to brush up on skills I use to have, I feel like a rusty old engine!
Oh, and I bought the paint for my art room-I had posted about redoing that room last summer!!!
Sorry for the scattered post!
OK, now back to finishing the menu for the graduation party! And, cleaning the house,
my family is coming for a few days.
Have a great week!



  1. Oh dear I was thinking the same the weelend my tweens son and daugther celebrate their birthday 18 years!!!! And I cant believe, where are my babies? Lol

  2. With all that going on it's a wonder that you can string words together! Breathe and have fun!

  3. Life can get in the way of blogging but it sounds like you have wonderful events going on. Junior and Senior years are such busy times, enjoy your days with them while they are home. Before you know it they are done with school and living in another city! Your garden pic look great, Laura

  4. You really are busy Lynn. Thanks for taking time to fill us in. You flowers pics are lovely.

  5. Oh, I remember how busy it was with the proms, graduations, and sports. I smiled when you said you were about to cry with your son graduating. I always cry at graduations, especially when Nel got her Masters. It was a very emotional day. I hope you have many wonderful memories coming up with your family. And take lots of pictures! You are so talented with that.
    ~Sheri at Red Rose Alley

  6. Oh I forgot to mention, Lynn, this dog of yours is beautiful!

  7. Hi Lynn,
    What beautiful flowers. Happy Summer...Enjoy!

    Hugs and Kisses,

  8. Hi Lynn,
    What beautiful flowers. Happy Summer...Enjoy!

    Hugs and Kisses,

  9. I remember those days! Your garden seems to be doing very well and your dog is adorable. I hope you can take some "me" time along the way...a little pampering goes a long way. :)


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  12. My heart goes out to you Lynn, it's a bittersweet time. The kids are growing up way to fast. I too want time to slow down but it doesn't listen to me. :)
    Your photography is incredibly beautiful. As for being behind in blogging, same here! Just not enough time or thyme.:)
    Have a wonderful time at your son's graduation.
    Okay so often did I use that word???
    hugs Rosemary...xoxo

  13. Oh, I remember those days and wanting to cry too :) Now we have grandbabies.

    Busy times here too even without kids in the house!

    Beautiful flowers!

  14. Hello, nice blog. I love the photos!

  15. How did the graduation party go? I've been taking a break from blogging too! Hope you have some time to spend in your beautiful garden. I love Bud. E.!

  16. Hi Lynn, Sounds like you have been busy, I hope everything went well that you were preparing for when you last posted and I truly hope you are enjoy ing your summer.
    Hugs, Cindy

  17. Well, for my own scattered mind at times, your post was not scattered! Great photos. I love the flower and those fuzzy leaves. And, the name of your dog, Bud E. Sometimes, our dog helps us as we dig. Mostly, he brings his ball and expects me to stop and kick it for him. I wonder how he got THAT idea! Ha.

    Great post. Take care!
