Tuesday, May 29, 2012

May Garden

Welcome to my garden!
Each spring I try to grow veggies from seed, but they never seem to do well 
and I end up going to the local nursery for plants.
This year I thought I'd try again. 
I planted the seeds while it was still cool out, but brought the planters inside
when there were frost warnings.
Usually the seedlings get this far and then die off.
How disappointing!

I planted a few favorites, parsley, cilantro, lettuce and of course, basil.
So far, so good!

Everything seems to be coming along nicely.
Last night my daughter made salsa with the first sprigs of cilantro and parsley.

We also picked the first lettuce for tonight's salad.

The flower garden is doing well too.
Last year we had a giant oak fall on the hill and wipe out a huge 
portion of the garden. 

Luckily, many perennials were spared and came back this spring.

Hopefully the bare spots will fill in with pachysandra and creeping myrtle.

Of course, there's the climbing 4th of July Rose on the garden gate.
So pretty with it's red and white blooms each year.
I was surprised to see it blooming already!
We have had some hot days and much needed rain, 
so it seems like the garden got a jump start this year.
I'm happy, because one of my favorite places is my garden.

Hope you enjoyed the little tour.
Thanks for stopping by and happy gardening!


  1. Love your garden For the spring (here we are in autumn almost winter I will ask you some thing about plant!!

  2. Wow -- your garden looks beautiful and your baby seedlings look so lush and healthy!

    We are in the mid 90's here, and my garden is about on life support already, before it even got started much.

  3. Ah, so glad you didn't give up. The lettuce and herbs look beautiful.

  4. Fresh greens from your own garden - nothing can be better!
    I also tried to grow some veggies from seeds. Well, squirrels dug out cucumber seeds and pumpkin seeds. Store-bought seedlings of broccoli and cabbage were eaten by worms (crane fly larva). Good things is nobody eats lettuce and tomatoes!

  5. Everything is looking so lush and full already.....

  6. It all looks beautiful
    and so healthy.

    I don't know what cilantro is
    I have never heard of it
    is it some type of lettuce.

    I planted strawberries, lettuce,
    and tomatoes last year
    but this year
    I haven't done anything and I
    miss not having them.



  7. Your garden is very pretty. I particularly like the white garden ornament--perhaps a bird feeder?--in your perennial bed.

  8. I see you have Lambs ear. This is my first summer here and I've planted a couple. But they don't look so good in this terrible heat.

  9. Hi Lynn,
    Your garden is absolutely beautiful, no wonder it's one of your favorite places. Enjoy! Wishing you a wonderful day.

    Hugs and Kisses,

  10. Your seedlings and your flower gardens are looking wonderful. I love the photo of the rose bud.

  11. Your garden looks fantastic and what a bounty! It looks fabulous!

  12. Lynn,
    Your garden is looking really wonderful. I confess to buying some herbs and tomato plants. Maybe next year I'll try seeds.

  13. you did a good job with your seeds!
    loved the trip though the garden!


  14. Wish my veggies looked this good! Love garden salads!

  15. Oh I really want to grow cilantro, lettuce, parsley and basil...I bet fresh from the garden makes everything taste better! Your garden is wonderful!


  16. Your garden does look great... the hostas are beautiful. I'm curious... do you use sterile seed starting mix? If not, your problem could be 'damp off' which is a fungal condition which can affect seedlings just as they seem to be taking off and doing well. Larry

  17. everything in your landscape looks so luscious and full! Glad you didn't give up on your seedlings ~ they definately are happy now! thanks for linking up to the garden party over here! oxox, tracie

  18. I love both your veggie garden and your flower garden. My daughter as always gardened, and told me last year to put my pumpkin seeds in a wet paper towel till they started to sprout, then plant them. I ended up with a nice bunch of pumpkins last year!

    Take care,

  19. Hi Lynn, your seedlings have turned into bountiful beauties! Fresh veggies and herbs are so fun this time of year. My lettuce is not quite ready to pick, but doing well. I need to get cilantro in. I usually plant it too early and it goes to seed before the tomatoes are ready. Your flower gardens are gorgeous! I love all of your hostas. Thanks for sharing with Share Your Cup.

  20. Wow! Your herbs and lettuce seem to be doing quite well. Fresh salsa is always so yummy this time of year. Your garden is very pretty and full. I love the rosebush. I have also been enjoying the spring rain :)


  21. By growing in the cold frame, I usually improve my culture results. To pick your own salad and sun-warmed tomatoes are indispensable. I'm lucky and get a flat of my brother in law. I love your green planting with lots of hostas and lamb's ears. The names of the plants can go mad because I'm not Saher in English. I wish you a wonderful week! Zinnia

  22. Your garden is lovely! How smart of you to have a kitchen garden of lettuce and herbs. I would love to do that, but I was gone for three weeks, just got back a couple of days ago. I missed the best stuff at the nurseries.
    Hugs, Cindy

  23. Your garden is fabulous! There's nothing better than the results served on your table. Thanks for sharing!


  24. Hello Lynn, seedlings are best kept indoors for quite awhile at least in my area. Your results are excellent. Fresh salsa and lettuce for salads are so rewarding! I just love that beautiful red rose bud.
    My, you have quite a talent with your camera.
    Hugs Rosemary...xx

  25. what a beautiful garden you have! everything is so lush and green.
    glad to have found your blog -i think we like all the same things!
    cheers Fiona (lilyfield life)
