Saturday, January 19, 2013

A New Year

Happy New Year!
Hope the new year is starting off well for you.

Where has the time gone?
My last post was about a month ago.
I guess I got caught up in the holidays, decorating, baking, shopping-
then it was over and time to take down the decorations,
throw away those extra cookies, candies, etc., etc.

I think I need to put myself on a schedule this year.
Do you have a specific blogging schedule? 

Even though I haven't posted in a while,
I have been doing a little creating.

Something sweet and simple.

Something dressy.

 Something fun that adds a Pop! of color.

What have you been up too?

Have a great weekend!


  1. I've been wondering where you've been Lynn. But I see you've been creating beautiful things!
    Between my mom, my friend, and myself it's been pretty much visiting hospitals, nursing homes, and doctor appointments. Nothing fun.
    Looking forward to seeing more of your lovely creations,
    Have a great weekend.

  2. I think I need a schedule too, Lynn! I'm supposed to be doing a room clear-out right now.

  3. I used to post twice a week, then I decided once a week was enough but if I don't post for a couple of weeks I don't fret about it anymore. I find it very difficult to keep up with those bloggers who post several times a week! There are so many other things to do in life - such as your beautiful jewelry :)

  4. Ooooooh, I love the turquoise jewelry. I usually do posts every three days, but Jess and Nel are so busy lately with work and studies that I've been doing alot of them myself. I admire you for doing the posts on your own. It's hard to come up with interesting things twice a week hehe. Have a wonderful week.

  5. Love every piece that you created! Just my style. No, regular blog schedule for me. I go in spurts. Sometimes I blog a couple times a week and then might go a month without blogging. I have so many other things in life to do. My blog isn't monetized so no pressure to post regularly. I couldn't make any money at it anyway because I'm too slow and just don't get all the social media platforms.

    How can you blog regularly when you're spending your time creating gorgeous jewelry!
