Wednesday, January 23, 2013

It's 17 Degrees Today

I'd rather be at the beach!

What's the weather like where you are?
Hope you're staying warm!
I hate to say it, but-"I can't wait for spring!"



  1. It was 7 degrees at our cottage (Northern MI) and 10 degrees below wind chill. I just drove back thru lake effect snow squall, roads were covered and slippery. I'm with you, looking forward to spring!!! Laura

  2. Think it made it up to the mid 50's today, and yes - I am ready for Spring also. I am not a cold weather person.

  3. It's below zero here with a wind chill of probably -20. It's cold and I'm sick of it.

  4. It's been cold for us here in So. California, but not that cold! We are expecting rain for the next couple of days...I can't wait for warmer weather :-) Bet you can't either.

    Hugs and Kisses,

  5. It's raining outside, but it's not cold, somewhere around 50.
    Stay warm and healthy!

  6. I'm trying to be content with what is but seeing pictures like this makes me anxious for spring and warmer weather. These long gray days of winter kind of make those of us in cold climates go stir crazy. I don't mind winter but it's too long.
